Our growing library of more than 55 pre-built industry dashboards uses the cleanest fundamental data set in existence, with access to every industry KPI that matters.
Your differentiated edge isn’t sourcing data and building a comps analysis — it’s how you analyze the data and connect the dots afterward. լƵ lets you spend more time on what sets you apart.
Our industry dashboards go way beyond other providers’ standard valuation metrics, giving you visibility into the industry-specific KPIs you need for a robust comps analysis.
With access to more than 55 dashboards spanning industries from Enterprise SaaS and Airlines to Internet Retail and Banks, it only takes one click to start spreading comps on լƵ.
Every datapoint is sourced by our sector-focused analyst team in Vancouver who pore over SEC filings, investor presentations, press releases, and more to ensure we capture all the data, even if it’s hidden in images, charts, or footnotes. Then our proprietary tech verifies accuracy before publishing.
No one else can provide an end-to-end platform for my investment research like լƵ does. I can download accurate financial models, easily access filings and earnings calls, dig into a database of expert insights, and procure my own expert calls all within the platform. I get time-savings without compromising on quality.